Climbo 岩点受力感应系统为攀岩技能提升提供可追踪的数据Post-analysis of pressure distribution to enhance climbing performance. Equirium 手部残疾人士适用的腕带式鼠标An adaptive mouse designed for individuals with hand disabilities. Patch 测试工具包助力农民评估土壤中的氮超标情况,并给出建议措施On-farm test kit enables farmers to evaluate nitrogen levels in the soil and provides recommended actions. PULP Oral-B 儿童牙刷可持续发展项目Oral-B Children’s Toothbrush Sustainability Programme. Beeway 让城市中的小蜜蜂更快找到觅食和休息的中间站的“雷达”A ‘radar’ that helps urban bees quickly locate foraging and resting sites. FKFS 实体化手机的金融功能,帮助老年人应对日常金融风险Materialising phones’ financial features to help older people cope with everyday financial risks. Cyber Detox 通过预先干预人们在虚拟世界的感官受刺激来预防成瘾Preventing addiction by proactively managing sensory stimulation in virtual worlds.